
Should you buy Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles?

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Should y'all buy Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles?

Borderlands 3 Guns Love Tentacles Cultists Source: Windows Central

All-time answer: Guns, Dear, and Tentacles is a worthwhile expansion that Borderlands iii players are bound to enjoy. The planet of Xylourgos adds a wonderfully eerie aesthetic with tons of new enemies to fight and legendary weapons to collect.

Wedding of the century: Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles ($15 at Microsoft)

What's so adept nigh Guns, Beloved, and Tentacles?

Borderlands 3 Guns Love Tentacles Combat Source: Windows Central

This latest expansion takes us to the world of Xylourgos for the nuptials of Wainwright and Hammerlock. Why did they choose an unmapped, backwater planet teaming with occultists and hazardous wild fauna? Well, that's exactly why. Wainwright and Hammerlock didn't want their wedding ceremony venue to be a tourist trap. This comes back to haunt them when Wainwright is possessed past an evil spirit and the thespian has to go on an adventure to save him.

Guns, Beloved, and Tentacles is more of the same Borderlands that we've come up to know, merely I never recollect that's a bad thing. Throughout the opening mission I kept thinking about how much I liked this expansion more than the concluding 1 (Moxxi's Heist), and that feeling stayed with me all the way through the stop. The Lovecraftian artful oozed from every corner — loot boxes had tentacles adorned on them and enemies would spawn out of glowing light-green portals. Everything about the color palette just hammered home the vibe Gearbox was going for.

I mentioned how I enjoyed Guns, Love, and Tentacles more than Moxxi's Heist, and that's non to say that Moxxi's Heist was bad. That's to show simply how practiced this one is. Moxxi'due south Heist felt very much like I was walking through the remnants of Hyperion again in Handsome Jack'southward casino. Guns, Love, and Tentacles lets me feel something new and exciting. The planet of Xylourgos simply felt more alien, for lack of a ameliorate discussion. Information technology'southward as well a testament to how well Gearbox made this snowy map considering I unremarkably hate snow in video games. Most of the time the environments are bland and dull, no matter how realistic the graphics look. The tundra in Borderlands ii was my least favorite location and I avoided it like the plague. The snowy maps on Xylourgos were designed in such a mode that the snowfall wasn't their defining characteristic, which made them more than exciting and dynamic to play on.

Borderlands 3 Guns Love Tentacles Environment Source: Windows Central

Thanks to the co-op boodle drop issue going on, which increases the hazard of loot drops during co-op play, I establish myself almost swimming in legendaries. I tin can't gauge the expansion on this since information technology's a separate outcome that just happened to coincide with its launch, but it did give me the opportunity to endeavor out a couple dozen of the new weapons, and I dearest them. One of these is an SMG that switches elemental damage upon every reload. Another is a Maliwan shotgun that admittedly tears through enemies with each bullet exploding on contact.

Guns, Love, and Tentacles also dropped at the same time every bit a significant level cap increase, bumping it all the way to 57 from 53. This gives players four new skill points that could be crucial in unlocking an ability in your skill tree that completely changes the style you play.

On tiptop of all that, this expansion gave Gearbox the opportunity to bring dorsum Gaige and Deathtrap. While Gaige was a little underused equally the whole "wedding planner" and simply chimed in over Repeat occasionally, Deathtrap was really integral in a few missions. Guns, Love, and Tentacles certainly had more than character and centre than Moxxi'due south Heist did, particularly in regards to Wainwright and Hammerlock. Later all, this whole expansion revolves around their hymeneals.

What's bad about Guns, Dearest, and Tentacles?

Borderlands 3 Guns Love Tentacles Wendigo Source: Windows Key

To exist honest, there's not a lot to dislike here. I played a majority of the expansion in co-op with beau Windows Central author Samuel Tolbert, and we both agreed that a few of the bosses bordered on being unfairly tough bullet sponges, but that's most it.

The chief villain, Eleanor, was also nothing special. A previously normal adult female who was corrupted by an otherworldly fauna, her sole goal is to transform someone else into her dead husband Victor, who had gone mad researching the beast years prior. Unfortunately, Wainwright Jakobs is the unlucky man he she tries to transform. Later on she completes that... who knows? Her reasoning was disruptive at best, forgettable at worst.

Should you purchase Borderlands 3: Guns, Dear, and Tentacles? Yeah.

Borderlands 3 Guns Love Tentacles Combat Source: Windows Key

Anyone who loved Borderlands 3 will dear Guns, Love, and Tentacles. It's nothing special in terms of an expansion, simply Gearbox knows what information technology does best. A couple of frustrating bosses don't completely elevate an otherwise great expansion downwards. And if you're just looking for some new content to play to level upward your grapheme, it's the perfect answer.

Gearbox has always done well with Borderlands' bigger expansions, and this ane is no different.

Our pick

Borderlands 3 Guns Love Tentacles Icon

Borderlands iii: Guns, Dear, and Tentacles

Xylourgos and its crazy inhabitants look

Guns, Beloved, and Tentacles is a worthwhile expansion that Borderlands 3 players are spring to enjoy. The planet of Xylourgos adds a wonderfully eerie aesthetic with tons of new enemies to fight and legendary weapons to collect.

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Jennifer Locke

Jennifer Locke

Jennifer Locke has been playing video games most her entire life, and is very happy Xbox is growing a stronger outset-party portfolio. You tin detect her obsessing over Star Wars and other geeky things on Twitter @JenLocke95.


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