
Do Tarblock Cigarette Filters Work

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  1. Another fashion of harm reduction is using plastic tar filter.
    Nic-out, Tar-blocm, Tar baby-sit - all are plastic tar filters. Just Tin high temp smoke from the cigarette interact with the plastic somehow? Making them unsafe?

    Google nic out to run into pictures of the filters

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  2. I bought a box of those one time.

    IDK if it's necessarily filtering out that much tar. I'thou sort of hundred-to-one, when i come across them I ever remember they should become on the "As seen on Television receiver" aisle, or something. I noticed no health improvements and likewise, vaping through plastic is utterly disgusting.

    I might do some research on them to see if they really piece of work? I'm not doing it, I already know they didn't work, for me, and I guess you lot could consider it "harm reduction" IF they in fact work as advertised. I plant them to be a needlessly expensive way to brand my cigarettes taste horrible.


    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. But it doesn't make sense that the plastic can damage you, right?
    • Optimistic Optimistic ten 1
  4. Beamslider

    Beamslider Vaping Master Verified Fellow member ECF Veteran

    Plastic tin be harmful. Plastic especially with heat can out gas chemicals.

    The only safe cigarette is no cigarette. Filtering them will not make them harmless

    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. I have no thought who makes those plastic tubes and whatnot, but I don't consider inhaling COMBUSTED SMOKE through plastic to be particularly smart. Information technology may or may not be condom, I accept NO Clue.

    All I tin can reliably report is a) I saw no health benefit and b) the plastic MUST have leeched, to a certain extent. THEY TASTED HORRIBLE.

    Is there a reason yous are bringing them upward? I highly doubtfulness that they're safer than vaping. Do you lot vape?


  6. My friend uses them, he
    Does the smoke that hot? I mean it doesn't burn the lips
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  7. Expect, your friend is using them, maybe you desire to ask him if it's "hot" or non. I'm trying desperately to think whether it reduces the "heat" of the smoke, and if it does, I'm betting that is not good. Because information technology really means the smoke is being affected by the plastic, somehow, cooled, and that usually means information technology'due south interacting with the plastic somehow.

    All I remember is what they tasted similar. Maybe your "friend" can come up hither and inquire about them, if he's non concerned about his health, I don't really run into why you should exist. If yous want to find out more than, well I just searched, and granted this is not my typical source, but sheesh, there has been NO rubber data on those things. BUT here is a yahoo answers link where a diverseness of folks chime in on whether they are "safe" or not.

    I should by all rights point out that the filters Now STANDARD on all cigarettes did not reduce mortality rates a WHIT. Then it appears. You may filter something, simply until you lot filter it to the point that whatsoever and all SMOKE is filtered out, you lot will still be combusting tobacco.

    That is, emphatically, and past all KNOWN MEASURES unsafe, and if the plastic tips did anything, there would have been peer reviewed studies or whatnot. My thoughts are the folks using them found tobacco more than icky, and/or smoked less. Or, it was a placebo result.

    Merely accept at the link: Do TarBlock Cigarette Filters actually piece of work?

    I think they're either meaningless, unsafe, or both.

    I am even so asking what this has to practice with vaping. Are you trying to get your friend to vape, well, okay, explicate to your friend that in that location is NO safety data at all regarding the plastic filters. It'southward all either anecdotes, or nonsense, or both.


  8. Okay. Well, I didn't come across a lab written report, but if you've seen one, great.

    Is your friend willing to endeavour Swedish or even American snus? Would he be intrigued by perhaps, the idea of some whole tobacco alkaloid juice, perchance? (Contains many of the alkaloids found in tobacco and safer, due to lack of combustion?)

    These are all viable harm reduction methods, but basically, if that is what your friend wants to use, cyberspace benefit to him, I estimate? If they brand him experience prophylactic, fantastic. I tin't assist but sort of comparing it to wearing a condom but cutting off the tip. Not as pleasant every bit only smoking, probably not super effective either.

    Seriously, dude, if a plastic filter tip could drop tobacco damage to 0%, the tobacco companies would be using them ALREADY INSTALLED, that's how much smoking has been on the decline. Seriously.

    Best of luck to your friend, and hopefully yous can only keep modelling vaping for him. I'yard doubtful as to risk reduction, merely I am also not your friend, who needs to make his ain choices, etc.


    • Like Like x 1
  9. The lab report has been posted by me after editing.. Because i didnt desire the admins recollect that i am sponsoring some company.
    I retrieve that in the end, not anybody are capable of quitting cigs. So if some plastic can block 90% tar so i want to recommend information technology .
    Its alot about harm reduction really.
    • Like Like x ane
  10. Beamslider

    Beamslider Vaping Master Verified Member ECF Veteran

    Tar is a modest role of the overall problem.

    In that location are over 7,000 nasty things in cigarette smoke and that isn't filtering them out, 43 of them are known to cause cancer in animals. Here is a curt l

    What's In a Cigarette?
    At that place are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous.
    Many of these chemicals also are plant in consumer products, but these products take warning labels. While the public is warned about the danger of the poisons in these products, there is no such warning for the toxins in tobacco smoke.

    What's In a Cigarette?

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Do Tarblock Cigarette Filters Work,


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