
How To Install A Swimming Pool Pump And Filter

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how to replace your own pool pump
If you are looking for data on how to replace a pool pump yourself then this commodity will highlight some very of import information that you need to know. For a skilled pool technician selecting the right pump and installing it in the pool system is a simple and straight frontward job. For the average homeowner thinking that they volition save a few bucks by doing this yourself there very well could be some things you are overlooking. No office of installing a new puddle pump is prohibitively difficult however it does crave making electrical connections equally well as plumbing connections.

In addition to needing to exist comfortable with both electrical and plumbing, y'all volition also need to know how to cull the right pump for your pool in the beginning identify. This requires a multi-step calculation that considers your pool volume, your pipe size, the maximum pattern catamenia rate for your filter, as well as any pressure side features that require certain menstruum volumes like a hot tub with booster jets, in floor cleaning systems, or waterfalls / water features.

The final thing that you need to exist aware of if you desire to install a new puddle pump is that, depending on the brand and model, too as where y'all buy it, you might non qualify for any warranty protection if you install information technology yourself. While this might non be a bargain-breaker for everyone, it certainly falls under the category of data that you should know earlier you lot make your purchase.

Tin I Install My Own Puddle Pump?

pool pump warranty
Most major pool equipment manufacturers do non want you lot to install your own pool equipment. Hayward, Pentair and Zodiac (Jandy) all require "proof of professional installation" to be submitted with warranty claims or registering a production warranty. Jandy fifty-fifty went then far in 2018 as to merits to "quit the internet" and will no longer offer warranty for any finished goods that are purchased online. This is to force your manus as a puddle owner to piece of work with a swimming puddle manufacture professional directly. It also is to protect the manufacturer from products failing nether warranty due to improper or poor installation (presumably due to non-professional installation). In reality the average pool technician does not follow any kind of proper installation protocol with the vast majority of equipment installations having multiple deficiencies.

This puts many puddle owners in a compromised position where there can not authorize for warranty on the products they buy unless they work with a local "industry professional" who may, or may not, actually exist proficient with equipment installations and menstruum dynamics. Some home owners adopt to do their own work around the dwelling and currently there are non many good solutions for these people other than to forfeit the warranty protection unremarkably afforded with the production, or pay more to hire someone that will not care well-nigh the installation as much as they do.

With Hayward and Pentair you tin still provide a receipt for professional installation from whatsoever one of a number of approved designations such as general contractors, plumbers, electricians, gas fitters, landscapers, handy long as you have a receipt from one of these "professionals" for your equipment installation yous should come across the qualification criteria for warranty protection. Unfortunately this is no longer the case with Jandy, and they will no longer provide whatever warranty for products that are purchased online. This came into effect January i, 2019 and despite their products still being widely bachelor from all online retailers, Jandy merits to be working to resolve all of these cases, and presumably will deny any potential warranty protection for any puddle owner who happens to purchase one of these products.

How To Cull The Right Pool Pump

variable speed pool pumps are the best
Warranty considerations aside, the commencement stride in installing your own pool pump is to pick the correct replacement pump. The entire pool pump climate is changing in recent years. Variable speed pool pumps hit the market place have turned the entire puddle industry on its ear. They are so much more energy efficient than the older style of single speed pool pump that the Department of Energy has declared that past 2021 all unmarried speed puddle pumps volition demand to be replaced by variable speed pumps (or similarly ultra-efficient pumps). If you merely supercede your current pool pump with the exact aforementioned make and model then yous will be missing out on the potential cost savings benefits of VS pumps and may find yourself in a situation where it is no longer possible to service or repair older mode single speed pumps due to this Department of Energy ruling.

Information Yous Demand To Have - In order to make the calculation that you demand to brand to properly size your pool pump for your organisation yous will need: the pool volume in gallons, the size of the suction line pipes, what the maximum designed catamenia charge per unit is for your filter, and whether you have 120 volts or 240 volts for the electrical connection for your pump. If you have all of this information then you have everything you need to determine the most advisable pumps on the marketplace for your filtration system.

Y'all need to exist able to filter the entire volume of your pool three times every 24 hours. This is the industry standard for residential pool filtration. If your pool is 10,000 gallons, and so y'all need to be able to filter at to the lowest degree 30,000 gallons per solar day. Next, how many hours per day do you want to run the pump? Have 30,000 and split up by this number, for this instance nosotros volition utilize a run schedule of 12 hours per day. And so thirty,000 divided by 12 is 2500 (gallons per hour) that you need. Separate this by 60 to get 41.6 gallons per minute. This is the flow charge per unit you would demand to come across to go on your 10,000 gallon puddle clean, running your pump for 12 hours per day.

Every pool filter has a maximum designed catamenia rate above which the filter may not role properly, or damage may happen. Yous need to check your filter brand and model and discover out what the maximum designed filter menstruum rate is to be sure that yous volition not exceed this value. Sand filters tend to be more limiting for maximum designed flow rates than cartridge or DE filters. The final pieces of information that y'all need to know are the size of the plumbing pipes your pool system uses, and the voltage of your pump electric connection. This information volition exist needed before yous can make a conclusion on which pump will be the best and easiest for you to install. You can now pick your pump from the most common variable speed pool pumps.

Fifty-fifty though there are dozens of pool pumps on the marketplace, the vast bulk of pool owners shopping for a new pump will stop up with i of these three most popular pool pumps

Pool Pump Installation Tips

leaking pool pump
When it comes time to actually install your new pool pump at that place are a number of ways that you can find yourself at the terminate of the day with still no pump running on your pool. The plumbing organization for pools is non always direct forwards to work with. The plumbing systems are typically PVC but also sometimes can exist flexible PVC, poly pipage, ABS pipe, copper pipage, galvanized pipage...people have tried all sorts of things over the years to plumb in pool systems! If you can look at your pool system and know right away that you accept schedule 40 rigid PVC and so you will have a much easier time installing your new pump. If you tin't tell the divergence from poly pipage, rigid PVC, flex PVC, or any other plumbing material and then installing your own pump volition be significantly more hard.

At that place is no i solution fits all plumbing configuration for pool pumps considering each pump is installed in a unique orientation. What y'all need to know is that, if possible, you want to have a straight section of pipe running into the suction side of the pump. Ideally if you tin can have ten times the pipe bore in a direct, unobstructed run, into the front of the pump, that would be best for the flow dynamics of the pump. For most existing pool systems you will not have the luxury to make design changes. Information technology will be all y'all can do to just accept the pump fit where yous desire it to go, and install it without leaking. But what if your last pump failed early because of the manner it was installed? Before y'all jam the new pump right dorsum in there you should read near these common causes for early puddle pump failure.

Pool pump thread sealant - The best, and easiest, thread sealant for a pool pump is to use 100% silicone and let it set up overnight before y'all run the system. With silicone simply utilize 100% silicons to the threads of the male adapter and thread it in as far as you can go by hand just. That is it. Many people coffin the threads using channel locks or a pipe wrench, just the plastic flange on pool equipment is also weak for this procedure. Silicone all threads, and thread in hand tight simply before letting set up overnight. If you do this y'all will non break annihilation, and the threads will not leak. Read more on pond pool thread sealants.

Pump intake height - If you lot have a horizontal run of pipe going into the suction side of your pump, then you need to consider that your new pump may have a different intake acme. This means that yous would need to modify the height of your intake plumbing which is not always like shooting fish in a barrel to do. On some difficult systems it could be a real pain to change the height of your intake pipe. For this reason information technology would be a practiced idea to become outside with a tape measurer and mensurate how much space there is between your intake pipe and the ground. Try to go the number authentic within ane/iv" as a minimum. When you lot shop for a new pump you should bank check the intake height to run across if it will line up with your currently plumbing configuration or if you will need to customize your plumbing to adjust the new pump. It is much easier to sit a pump on a 1/2" thick rubber pad (raising the pump intake by half an inch) than it is to try to raise intake plumbing past half an inch to friction match a new pump that is taller than your last i.

Pipe connections - You should exist using schedule xl rigid PVC piping for installing your pool pump unless you lot are specifically matching a unlike, existing pipage material on your system. For pool systems any connections that you make must be 100% leak free. Avoid taking any shortcuts with your pool plumbing and pump installation every bit whatsoever leaks introduced to the system volition adversely bear upon the efficiency of your filtration system, and quite possibly the longevity of your pump installation.

At the end of the day hiring an industry professional to install your new pump may exist worth the investment for yous. Some pumps can be a existent pain to change if the mechanical installation is tight. If at that place is not a lot of room to cut into, and add, to your pool system, this can easily double the work required to successfully install the pump. If you demand to redo a suction manifold including the valves, or worry about transitioning betwixt different plumbing materials, or if you need to enhance or lower the height of the plumbing to compensate for the new pump, then this could double your required efforts once more. Most importantly you will exist working with both water and electricity, and yous should not effort to install either of these components if you are not already proficient with electrical and plumbing applications.

Pump Installation Troubleshooting

Something went wrong. You are trying to install your new pump but it is not working. The most common bug that you could exist dealing with are problems with the electric connection, issues with the plumbing connection, or an unknown problem of some kind that is preventing the pump from running properly. When it comes to electrical information technology is never a proficient idea to brand electrical connections, or troubleshoot electrical systems, if you lot take non exist properly trained how to do it. I wish I could just tell y'all, just then people volition almost certainly hurt themselves doing something they should not.

Electric troubleshooting - For electrical connections only read the electric schematic and instructions that come up with the new pump. It will tell you the voltage yous demand, the amperage breaker that you demand (which dictates the size of wires that you should be using co-ordinate to the NEC), too equally how to connect your new pump. Some are 120 volts only, while others are 240 volts just. Some can switch between 120 and 240 by changing the wire orientation, while others can automatically find and switch between voltage without having to change the wires around. Some are direct bulldoze 240 volts and do non use a neutral wire, while others require a current carrying neutral conductor. If you have read the instructions for your electrical installation just nonetheless do not empathize how y'all are supposed to connect the wires, this is because you are not an electrician and the instructions are specifically worded such that you volition non understand it unless you have preparation with electrical systems. Frustrating as this might exist, it is for your ain safety.

Plumbing troubleshooting - If y'all meet a trouble with the plumbing information technology may exist that you demand to switch between pipe sizes, or pipe materials, and you are not sure how to attain this. Information technology also could be that y'all are having trouble finding an orientation where the pump volition fit where it needs to go. Some systems are installed and then tight that in that location is little to no room left to brand adjustments or cut into the plumbing to add new fittings. In these cases you might need to go back a little further and replace more of the plumbing than y'all had intended. With pump installations this oftentimes ways re-plumbing the suction manifold valves. A skilled technician may be able to find a way to adapt the pump into the organization that you can not meet by heat bending the PVC, or by stripping pipe out of glued fittings, only that is the advantage of feel. If your plumbing system is super tight and in that location is no infinite to cut in and add and then you might want to explore hiring a pool plumber to help yous with installing the pump. The price you lot would pay for new valves to re-plumb your suction manifold will probably cost more than a pool plumber which may take a flim-flam to get the pump installed with less surgery required to your system.

Pump leaks - If your pump leaks information technology volition be from the suction port connectedness, pressure side connectedness, winterizing plugs, or strainer lid. If you lot have a leak anywhere like from the body of the pump, or the connection between the pump housing and the motor, then this pump is defective and needs to be returned where it was purchased. If the leak is the winterizing plugs, they tin can be tightened slightly or rethreaded easily with some new thread sealant. If the chapeau is leaking, remove and inspect the gasket to ensure that it is present, and has a sufficient application of non-petroleum based lubricant on it. Also be careful to non permit the gasket displace as you are tightening the lid. For suction and force per unit area side leaks, inspect the wedlock for problems with the gasket, or if the pump is installed with a threaded male adapter, you may need to reapply a thread sealant. Once a threaded connection begins to leak you can non fix this externally. You need to remove it, make clean the threads, and reapply an approved thread sealant earlier reinstalling the male adapter.

If you are nevertheless stuck for an respond to a problem you take you can ask Steve or you tin view some of the additional tutorials and manufactures listed below to assist you figure out your pump problem.

Pool pump volition non piece of work troubleshooting

What caused your pool pump to fail?

Variable speed pool pump reviews

Pool plumbing materials

Common valves for pool systems

Mutual deficiencies in pool equipment installations

How much can yous salve with a variable speed puddle pump?

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- Swimming Pool Steve

How To Install A Swimming Pool Pump And Filter,


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