
How To Render An Animation In Cinima 4d

Many of the people who just started to learn about Picture palace 4D confuse rendering with exporting or saving a video. To return in Movie theatre 4D, there are a couple of ways to do it and y'all have some different types of renders that tin be bought. For now, you need to understand the nuts of rendering. After you lot get the hang of it, look for dissimilar types of renders that will speed upwards the rendering times and volition better the looks of your graphics and materials.

In this commodity, I volition assume that you lot have opened Cinema 4D before. If you are new to C4D, check out GreyScaleGorilla — they take lots of training tutorials that can brand you understand the basics and more.

Quick Guide: How to render in Cinema 4D

Step i: Go to render settings.
Stride ii: Make sure to insert the right settings.
Step 3: Add the project to the return queue.
Step 4: Press outset render and go to sleep!

Pro Tip: Use one of the epitome sequence types of rendering output to avert wasting fourth dimension in instance the plan crashes in the rendering process.

Movie theater 4D Return Settings

You can access the return settings in three simple ways:

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B (Windows) or Cmd+B (macOS).
  2. Expand the Return bill of fare, and scroll downwards and click on "Edit Render Settings".
  3. Click on the old-fashioned icon in the tool menu.
Render In Cinema 4D

There is no right way to fix the settings in Cinema 4D. You simply have to sympathise exactly what everything does and set them appropriately to the needs of your project. Output and Salve are basic settings and will not affect the final result that much. Depending on what materials, blurs, lights, shading, or other effects are used in your project, you will accept to add them in the Render Settings. Add them from the driblet-downwards carte du jour called "Issue."

Output render settings


In the output tab, yous can set things like resolution, the width, the superlative, or just the bitrate. Information technology is really of import to gear up the bitrate to friction match the project'southward bitrate. In this tab, you will as well tell Movie house 4D the range of the rendering, from what frame to start and where to end the rendering.


Save render settings

In the save tab, you can choose the name and location of the file, the format, and the dept. If you desire a transparent background, you lot volition have to activate the Alpha Channel hither. Otherwise, it will return information technology blackness.


Activate Multi-Laissez passer only when you plan to carve up i or more elements from the entire render. This pick will add to the last render a divide return with the blastoff of that element. To arrive work, you volition take to add the Multi-Pass Cinema 4D tag to it earlier.


Anti-Aliasing render settings

This tab right here goes hand in manus with the computing power of your machine. If y'all accept a beast of a computer, you tin can crank the settings upwardly for better results. On the other manus, if your calculator lacks computing power, consider lowering the values in this tab to speed up the return time.

If the rendering time is still too long, consider going inside the Options tab and lower some of the details, go dorsum to the output and lower the resolution, or apply Squad Render with i or more than machines. Squad Render uses the calculating ability of a group of computers to render out the same project.

Movie theater 4D Render Queue and Render to Picture Viewer

Afterwards all the settings are set, all you have to do is to start the render and hope it will not crash overnight. Depending on the complexity of your project, the rendering procedure might have a lot of fourth dimension to consummate—have that in mind when yous beginning working on your projection.

One way to render the project is past calculation it to the return queue and clicking on the kickoff rendering button. To practise so, go to the Render drop-down carte du jour and select "Add to Render Queue" and click the kickoff button.

Render queue in cinema 4D

The other way is to simply click on the "Return to Picture show Viewer" button from the superlative-right corner. The picture viewer window will pop up and the render will start automatically.

rednering in c4d

Cinema 4D Rendering Tips and Tricks

Zip is flawless — not fifty-fifty Picture palace 4D. Errors and crashes happen all the time and it also happens in C4D like in any other plan.

If C4D crashes while rendering

If you render to a video format output and the program crashes, all the progress till the point of the crash will be lost because the video file will not be able to play. The solution? Prepare the output to a PNG or a Jpeg image sequence. This way, all the frames will transform into pictures and if it crashes, you can restart the return from the moment of the crash.

After the render process is completed, import the sequence inside Media Encoder, After Effects, or whatever other video editing programme and encode them to a video output.

Low-res render first

Some other tip is to make a small, low-resolution render first. It will take little fourth dimension to render and you lot will be able to see small errors that can be adjusted before the final render.

Use total render for one frame past using the Render View or Render to Moving-picture show Viewer with the correct render settings set. This is useful to check how the materials, lights, shadows, or shapes await before the final render. Yous will have the opportunity to make small adjustments before it is too late to do them.


Cool! This was it! Now you know a couple of means to render in Cinema 4D, some data on the settings of the C4D render, and some tips and tricks on things to do prior to the rendering process.

If you'eastward interested in reading more nearly exporting in other video editing software, please go check my other tutorials on how to render in After Effects and how to render in DaVinci Resolve.


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