
How To Clean A Stuffed Animal With Fur

Plush toys get dusty or muddied, plus they option upward sweat and other odors. Below are the all-time ways to make clean your kid's stuffed animals with or without h2o, in the washing auto, or by hand.

Stuffed teddy bear and plush dog toy

When your child gets covered in dirt or sweat from playing hard, you make sure they take a good bath. Their stuffed toys demand cleaning at present and then, too, and for the same reason.

Can Y'all Wash Blimp Animals?

Most stuffed animals can and should be washed, especially if you bought them at a thrift store or garage auction. You'll also want to wash your child'due south stuffed animals after any illness or bout with lice. If your child has allergies or asthma, it's important to clean their stuffed animals regularly to get rid of grit or other irritants. And, of class, y'all should wash them any time they kickoff to expect grimy or smell musty.

The Best Ways to Wash Stuffed Animals

Most stuffed animals are safe to clean in your washing automobile. Others, especially furry stuffed animals or those with electronic parts or embellishments, should be washed by paw. If there's a label with washing instructions, follow them.

How to Machine-Wash Stuffed Animals

If y'all've determined information technology's safe to launder your child'southward toy in the machine, put information technology in a mesh laundry bag or zippered pillowcase to protect it from friction. (Yous can also put information technology into an old stocking or plain pillowcase, then necktie a knot at the superlative.) Employ a split up pocketbook for each toy. Wash on the fragile wheel using common cold h2o and your usual detergent. Run a 2nd rinse to become all the suds out, then remove information technology from the mesh bag.

How to Hand-Wash Stuffed Animals

If you don't take a washing auto, you can nevertheless get your child'southward stuffed animals make clean in the sink. Hand-washing is likewise the best method to clean large stuffed animals that can't fit in your automobile.

When Should You Cull Hand-washing?

  • The toy is made of a cloth that might get damaged in the motorcar.
  • It has a music box, lights up, or has electronic parts.
  • Things like sequins, eyes, or beads are simply attached with glue.

How to Wash Stuffed Toys by Manus

It'due south easiest to hand-wash blimp toys in the sink, though you tin can employ a bucket or bathtub if needed. Fill the basin halfway with cold water and add two tablespoons of laundry detergent. Swirl to mix. Soak the stuffed animal and gently squeeze soapy water through it. Utilize your fingers to rub whatsoever particularly soiled spots advisedly. Drain the sink and clasp water out of the toy but don't wring it, or the stuffing may bunch. To rinse, turn on the tap and continue squeezing under running water.

How to Clean Stuffed Animals Y'all Can't Launder

You don't always have to launder stuffed animals to get them clean. If they're only a petty dirty and you lot want to spot clean or freshen them up, it'south possible to surface clean them. You can likewise apply this method to clean delicate stuffed animals or those filled with rice, dried herbs, or foam chaplet (like Beanie Babies).

Spot Cleaning

Mix i teaspoon of liquid dish detergent into one cup of cold water. First, do a spot test for colorfastness past dipping a cotton fiber swab into the water and dabbing an inconspicuous area on the toy. If the dye doesn't transfer from the toy to the swab, and so you can use the corner of a rag to lightly wipe the toy's surface to get rid of grime. Utilize a fresh cloth dampened with manifestly water to wipe away the soap in one case you lot're done, and let the toy dry.

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To freshen musty-smelling blimp animals, shake them in a plastic bag with a cup of blistering soda. Let the toy sit in the handbag for a few hours to deodorize, then milk shake the pulverization off outside. Remove whatsoever remaining baking soda with your vacuum cleaner's dust attachment or tumble dry information technology with no rut for a infinitesimal. (Be certain to clean your vacuum afterward, so the baking soda doesn't cake in there.)

How to Dry Stuffed Animals

You can put some stuffed toys in the dryer, only virtually do best if they're air- or line-dried. To speed things up, wrap the toy in a clean towel and gently printing it to blot water. Exist sure you lot don't wring it, though. Echo with fresh dry towels until you tin can't printing out any more moisture.

Then, fluff the fur with your fingers and place the item on a flat drying rack so it can air dry. If y'all prefer line-drying, hang it out of directly sunlight to avoid fading or other damage.

Cleaning Very Former Stuffed Animals

Damaged, vintage, or valuable stuffed animals require professional attention. Your dry cleaner may exist able to clean these or other non-washable blimp animals. Otherwise, check your local business listings for places like "stuffed animate being hospitals" or other services that repair and clean stuffed toys.


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